about CTAI and guided.

Discover our mission, meet our team, and learn how we’re
transforming educational content creation.

Our Mission

Chasing Tomorrow AI was founded in January 2024 with a single objective - improve the outcomes for every stakeholder in the property management industry. Accomplishing that objective begins with creating a more intuitive toolset for those in the industry to use. guided. is our first product, and first step, on that journey.

guided. is dedicated to revolutionizing the way property management companies, Proptech firms, and real estate professionals create and deliver training and support content. By simplifying and automating the production of high-quality and multilingual interactive demos, how-to guides, and videos, we empower our users to focus on their core responsibilities, enhancing their productivity and professional growth.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between complex technology and user proficiency, ensuring seamless integration and user satisfaction.

Learn More About Chasing Tomorrow AI

Our Vision

We envision a future where every software product includes an intuitive 'tutorial mode' that guides users through their tasks until they achieve mastery. guided. will be at the forefront of this transformation, providing unparalleled support and training solutions that are deeply integrated into everyday workflows.

Our long-term goal is to create an ecosystem where continuous learning and development are embedded in the fabric of all software interactions, ultimately leading to more efficient operations and greater job satisfaction across the property management industry and beyond.